Chopped 1949 – 51 Mercury Convertibles
CHOPPED 49-51 MERCURY Convertibles A trip in time back to the late 1940s and early 1950s when the
CHOPPED 49-51 MERCURY Convertibles A trip in time back to the late 1940s and early 1950s when the
1947-48 BUICK GAYLORD TOPS Bill Gaylord created a couple of stunning looking super long chopped padded tops for
LINK PAOLA Custom Car Pioneer Link Paola Custom Car Pioneer from Glendale California created some beautiful Custom Cars
CHANNELED 36 FORD Another Mystery Custom is this channeled 36 Ford that probably was restyled by Don Clark.
JIM STREET GOLDEN SAHARA I The Amazing Golden Sahara I. The Futuristic Car designed by Jim Street that
RAY VEGA 1938 FORD Especially because of the 1952 Hop Up Magazine cover, the Ray Vega 1938 Ford
HISTORY of the EARLY CUSTOM CAR For as long as there have been automobiles they have been modified
ED SLOAN 1953 PLYMOUTH Ed Sloan had his 1953 Plymouth Hard-Top Restyled at and unknown body shop. Later after it
1937 FORD CUSTOMS The 1937 Ford, along with the 1938 models were often considered the Ugly Ducklings from