Ayala Body Shop
AYALA BODY SHOP The Ayala Body Shop on East Olympic Ave opened in 1945. Gil Ayala would keep this shop open for around
AYALA BODY SHOP The Ayala Body Shop on East Olympic Ave opened in 1945. Gil Ayala would keep this shop open for around
JOHN GERAGHTY 1940 FORD John Geraghty had the Ayala brothers create this subtile brilliant irridescent green painted 1940 Ford
DON HOLLAND 1941 FORD Gil and Al Ayala created the Purple Pleasure Pursuit 1941 Ford for owner Don
EARLY CUSTOM CAR COLOR PHOTOS A closer look at the Color photos taken of Custom Cars in the
GIL AYALA FORD SCRAPBOOK PHOTOS It is always excited when some early scrapbook material shows up. Especially if