Ron Dunn Ford at RJ Studio
Valley Custom Shop’s masterpiece, the sectioned Ron Dunn 1950 Ford has been photographed for an upcoming bare metal feature in the Rodder’s Journal.
[dropcap]The[/dropcap] restoration of the Valley Custom Shop’s Ron Dunn 1950 Ford has been underway for a couple of month. The body has been separated from the frame and the last was fully restored and put back together The body stripped to bare metal and the initial body restoration started. Then everything was put back together to be sure everything would still fit, and to have the ultimate photo shoot. The famous Rodder’s Journal Bare metal feature. The bare metal car was prepared by the Steve’s Auto Restorations team and delivered at the RJ Studio in San Francisco for an amazing photo-shoot by Steve Coonan and Geoff Miles. SAR shares some sneak photos taken at the RJ studio during the photo-shoot. Look out for a full bare metal feature of this amazing custom in an upcoming Rodder’s Journal issue.
Awesome! Behind-the-scenes shots are always neat and I can’t wait to see this shoebox get restored. It’s one of the best sectioned shoeboxes ever done and SAR will definitely give it the proper restoration it deserves.