Custom Car Chronicle
In the Works

Sledge Customs Classic 1940 Sedan


In the works at Sledge Customs is a classic styled chopped 1940 Mercury sedan. Created by the cars owner Vic Jimenez and Kevan Sledge.

In 2007 my wife, our son, and me decided to leave down town Amsterdam and move to a very small village in the Northern part of the Netherlands. From a 5th floor apartment to an old farm with a two car garage. A few month ahead of the move I decided that my time to create my dream custom would come as soon as we would have settled in our new house. So I started out designing my dream custom. I have always loved the shape of the 1939-40 Mercury bodies. And could not understand why we do not see these bodies on more traditional styled customs back in the day, or now. The body has this perfect teardrop shape. This same shape also makes it hard to chop. But I knew it would not be impossible to do, just a bit harder than the coupe or convertibles.

I used Photoshop to create my dream custom 1939 Mercury sedan. A nicely balanced chop with the rear of the body and rear side windows shortened for the perfect lines. Actually I did a few different versions, but all were based on the chopped sedan body. My personal favorite was the one with the running boards removed, stainless trim on the frame covers and rock shields on the rear fenders.
Sadly only few weeks after we moved to our new home, the economy collapsed and now working free-lance made it financially impossible to get started on my dream custom project.
I decided to show my designs on the Custom Car Photo Archive and hoped that somebody would get inspired seeing how good these sedans looked fully customized. I’m extremely happy to see that my original designs helped inspire Vic Jimenez to get his project 1940 Mercury Sedan started.

One of the original Photoshop designs I made in 2007.

Vic Jimenez will be doing most of the work on the car himself at the Sledge Customs Shop in Grass Valley. The Sledge Customs Shop is owned by World leader – when it comes to chopping 1939-40 Mercury’s – Kevan Sledge. Vic will be using the Photoshop design as base for his dream Custom. Vic’s Mercury is a 1940 Model, while my original design was based on the more basic 1939 model.
Kevan Sledge has created a CCC-Forum post about the project, where we can follow the updates.

CCC_sledge-40merc-sedan02-WThe chopping of the top has begin. In this photo you can see how much the back of the car will need to be laid forward to meet the lower edge of the top.


CCC_sledge-40merc-sedan04-WVic’s 1940 Mercury Sedan before the work was started. The body is nice, straight and mostly rust free, a perfect project car.


CCC_sledge-40merc-sedan03-WFirst job was to lower the rear by flattening the rear cross member.


CCC_sledge-40merc-sedan05-WCar owner Vic working on his Mercury.


CCC_sledge-40merc-sedan06-WThis is my own personal favorite of the designs i made in 2007. Removed running boards with stainless trim on the frame covers and rock shields on the rear fenders.





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Rik Hoving

Rik is the CCC editor in chief. As a custom car historian he is researching custom car history for many years. In 2004 he started the Custom Car Photo Archive that has become a place of joy for many custom car enthousiasts. Here at CCC Rik will bring you inspiring articles on the history of custom cars and builders. Like a true photo detective he will show us what's going on in all those amazing photos. He will write stories about everything you want to know in the realm of customizing. In daily life Rik is a Graphic Designer. He is married to the CCC webmaster and the father of a 10 year old son (they are both very happy with his excellent cooking skills)

3 thoughts on “Sledge Customs Classic 1940 Sedan

  • When I saw this photo showed on the H.a.m.b It was like a punch right in the face.I totaly fell in love with it and having Kevan building it is good news. Can´t wait to see it finished.

  • I’m more than a bit disappointed that the world authority on the golden age of customs is still not able to build his dream car; but I am thankful that Mr. Jimenez is building his. Nice too, that this one will be a bit different as a less often customized sedan. As Kenneth said “Can’t wait to see it finished”.


  • With Rik’s classic design and Kevin’s metalwork this will be an outstanding custom ’40 Merc tudor! It will fit right in with all the nice coupes that Kevin has built.

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