Jesse Lopez ’41 Clone painted
Jerry Daman from Texas has been working on his Jesse Lopez 1941 Ford clone for some time. the time has come to ad some color to the project.
Photo of the real Jesse Lopez 1941 Ford in 1950. The car was build by Jesse together with his friend Sam Barris.
November 7, 2013
We have been following Jerry Daman’s Jesse Lopez 1941 Ford clone project on the HAMB for some time. Perhaps you know Jerry from his last project where he build a dead on clone of Junior Conway’s Shoebox which has been shown all over the US and been featured in several magazines. Jerry worked very closely together with Junior Conway himself to make sure the project would be as accurate as possible.
For his new cloning project, the Jesse Lopez Ford, Jerry has been in close contact with Jesse Lopez, and is trying to get everything as accurate as possible. Many phone calls, and mailed photos and sketches and instructions from Jesse keep Jerry right on track.
Jerry now has the majority of the work on the project done and has come to the painting stages. To be able to get the right color for the car Jerry created several test sheets and mailed those to Jesse in California. From those samples the final color was picked by Jesse and the paint custom mixed.
Lets take a look at the latest process on Jerry’s, Jesse Lopez Ford clone project.
After many block sanding sessions the body was sprayed with water to see if everything was ready for paint.
Follow the project on the HAMB.
that is going to be sweet when done.