Tom Hocker Barris 1940 Ford Restoration Progress
- This topic has 184 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by
Larry Pointer.
September 23, 2023 at 07:32 #74911
Rik Hoving
Keymaster“Front guards on the Hocker ‘40. One of the few customs of the era with parking lights/signals in the guards. The lenses feature clear acrylic outers with frosted inners, and soft illumination for a subtle glow.
For the wiring, I used gray shrink wrap and routed it beneath the bumper bracket into the rubber grommet for clean blend that gives a nearly invisible look while viewing from above.
The bumper and guards are ‘49 Pontiac, with a ‘49 Chevy overrider, filled on the rear for smooth looks and reflections.”Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
September 23, 2023 at 07:34 #74912Rik Hoving
Keymaster“Rear end details. Bumper & guards are ‘49 Pontiac, with a ‘49 Chevy overrider encasing the handmade plate frame with original plate and NOS ‘57 sticker.
Antenna base was was difficult to see in the original photos, so I came up with a shape to compliment the flow of surrounding areas.
Plate frame is a widely used version of the time era, but was unable to locate an original, so I made a copy.
Lots of time into fitment & prepping prior to chrome.”Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
September 28, 2023 at 07:04 #74931Rik Hoving
KeymasterFrom John…
“The Hocker ‘40 is finally completed, minus interior. It’s been a privilege to be involved in this restoration and very thankful for the experience. It tested all of my abilities and challenged me the whole way through. Gave it my absolute best and aimed to stay as accurate as possible. Studied every photo available and was fortunate to speak with the Hocker family firsthand to learn more information and receive a large amount of historical memorabilia from Tom’s personal collection. The car went through many stages since its inception, and was in very rough shape prior to the restoration. Great to see it back in it’s former glory of the late 50’s.
A big thanks to the owner, Rich Hubbard, for having faith in me since the beginning, and sticking with me until the end, especially when my father became sick and I began caretaking for him a few years ago. Most customers would have become impatient and pulled the car. Plenty more people to thank that provided me with advice along the way, which I’ll mention in another post.
Next stop is Fat Lucky’s for completion of the interior; grateful to have Sean involved in the
finishing touch of this piece of custom car history.”Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
November 22, 2023 at 16:43 #75056Rik Hoving
KeymasterSneak peek of the Tom Hocker Ford interior from Sean Johnstun aka “Fatlukys”… WOW
Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
December 30, 2023 at 08:25 #75135Rik Hoving
KeymasterA few more images from Fatluckys progress on the interior.
Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
December 30, 2023 at 12:13 #75137Tony
ParticipantGood grief, I can only dream. Beautiful.
January 1, 2024 at 21:54 #75138Bert Gustafsson
ParticipantLooks fantastic!
January 7, 2024 at 10:06 #75145Rik Hoving
KeymasterSeat is all done and ready to be installed. Car is very close to be taken back to John’s shop for the final details.
Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
January 10, 2024 at 11:21 #75158Rik Hoving
KeymasterEnjoy the beauty of Customizing
January 10, 2024 at 18:27 #75159Larry Pointer
ParticipantDebut at the GNRS: Priceless.
January 15, 2024 at 06:54 #75160Rik Hoving
KeymasterA few more interior photos shared by Fat Luckys.
Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
January 15, 2024 at 07:09 #75161Rik Hoving
KeymasterWith the car now as good as finished it it time for some history on the Tom Hocker Ford.
John shared some wonderful historic material he has collected over time.
All text and photos from John Canepa.
“Where it all began. Tom Hocker’s ‘40 Ford in stock form, before any customizing took place. First photo is from Tom’s personal collection of memorabilia gifted to me by his late wife Lois. Was very fortunate to have been contact with her a few years ago and learn so much more history on the car than ever previously documented. Also spoke with Tom’s nephew Joe, who additionally provided some great information.”
“Fresh out of Barris Kustoms in late ‘51-‘52. Early photos from Tom’s personal collection showing the first stages of customizing . Chopped, primered, yet still retaining stock grille sides, headlights, drip rails, deck lid corners, and fender welting. Further smoothing and refinements would take place the following year.
Upon speaking with Gwen Hocker, Tom’s sister-in-law, she recollected many memories of this time period. Tom and his brother Joe were very close, and enjoyed doing as much as they could within their skill level. They lowered the car themselves in the dirt floor shed behind their house. Cut the trunk floor out and kicked up the frame rails. He then decided to bring it to Barris for the more challenging work. Tom drove down to LA by himself, and Joe & Gwen flew down to meet him. Then all 3 of them went to Barris’ to meet and discuss plans. She stated they became good friends with the Barris family in the following years. Often staying at their place when in town, and helping George store cars when he shipped them up to Oakland from LA for the show. She reminisced about having the Kopper Kart truck in her garage during the days leading up to the show, and Tom & Joe driving it to exposition center for set up day.”Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
January 15, 2024 at 07:11 #75162Rik Hoving
Keymaster“Late ‘52-Early ‘53, the ‘40 is fully completed and ready to hit the shows. Tom also enjoyed running it at the local strip, setting a personal record of 104mph. Engine was a ‘48 Merc, bored & stroked, Edelbrock heads & manifold, Kong ignition, and Zephyr gears.
Paint was mixed and sprayed by Barris, in a color he called Fuschia Orchid. Headlights were frenched, fenders molded, grille sides filled, and ‘49 Pontiac bumpers with bumper guard lights front & rear.
Interior was completed by Carson Top Shop.
The car would make it’s main debut at the 1953 Oakland Roadster Show. In the attached photo from the show, note the show sign and trophy. Both of those were retained throughout the years in his collection and gifted to me by his wife Lois.”Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
January 15, 2024 at 07:13 #75163Rik Hoving
Keymaster“1954 Hocker history. Rare color photo showing the fuchsia orchid paint at the 1954 Peninsula Autorama, also known as the San Jose Autorama. shared some great photos of several cars from this show a few weeks ago.
Included in Tom’s collection were the show sign, show program, and an award for “automotive creation and cooperation with CHP” haha. I also noticed that the car is wearing the same hubcaps in this show, as another photo from the drag strip.”Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
January 15, 2024 at 07:16 #75164Rik Hoving
Keymaster“1955-57 Hocker history. In ‘55-56’, the car received a color change, per Tom’s request, as he wanted to surprise Lois for her birthday. Blue was her favorite color. George sprayed it in a silver-blue, and added scallops on the fenders & hood. It also received a new engine…Cadillac 331. New hubcaps as well, using Barris designed bullets/blades manufactured by Eastern Auto. It was shown regularly at shows all over California, and always did well at Oakland & Sacramento. Included in the photos are a feature in Rod & Custom, and his goods from ‘55 Sacramento Autorama, and an original advertisement board for the hubcap material.”
Enjoy the beauty of Customizing
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