Generally, there were more mild street customs cruising my neck of the woods than there were hot rods; but the older girl next door had a couple of suitors who would come by with their “rods”. Both “lowboys” – one was a blue channeled ’34 with a custom front end similar to the one on the “Little Deuce Coupe”, the other was a blue and channeled ’30 coupe with candy stripe tuck & roll even on the firewall and rear inner fenders. With those two cars swimming around in my head, model cars on my shelf, Grabowski’s T on T.V., and, the first magazine I noticed as a youngster: The Hot Rod issue with Lloyd Bakan’s coupe on the cover I was hooked!
When I was finally able to begin gathering parts for my “rod”, I recalled all those past influences and set out to build my car with the look of a build from the late ’50s, early ’60s. The only parts newer than 1963 are the ’65 front discs, the 700R4 and the radial tires (which I regret but cannot afford to change right now). Even the power windows are controlled with ’55 Tbird switches. My basic plan (had to be a blue coupe!), was to emulate the look of the Bakan coupe with a nod of the head to Norm’s T and the decal sheets from my model building days. Imagining a kid building his car using a demolished Sting Ray for parts, I used the engine, interior lights, steering wheel, brakes, etc. to put my dream hot rod together.
So, here is my hot rod: Everyone should have a rod parked alongside their custom – right?
