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Mercury TopChop blues

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  • #25917

    Thanks a lot Kent and thanks for a nice weekend.You and your pals in A-bombers are putting up THE two best hot rod and kustom meetings in Sweden.Hard to miss them.


    That does look better.

    Rik Hoving

    Yes, that does look better.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Ok,So itĀ“s time for a small update.Roof panels and window frame are welded. Driver side are grinded , hammered and smoothed. Cut out the bracings from the window frame and test fitted the original glass and it looks like it will work.Now when the bracings are gone itĀ“s a lot easier to see the lines with the real glass installed, especially on the photos.

    Rik Hoving

    Beautiful…. Looks so much better with the real glass in place… Very nice.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    That looks fantastic…long and lofty…wonderful shape! šŸ™‚

    Robert A. Radcliffe III
    King Kustoms


    Thanks Rik and Rob.Having difficulties taking good photos inside the garage. Guess my camera isnĀ“t good enough in such tight spaces. Backed another 7 feet and took this photo.CouldnĀ“t get a clear shot but the car gets better proportions and it looks a lot more like it does in real.

    Renaud Zed Legardez

    Now I know why they used to shave them of instead.

    Shaving them is a lot of work too, Ken, i assure you !

    Your work is very inspiring šŸ˜‰


    So there have been a bit of hold up in the build becouse I noticed the rear window location wasnĀ“t looking allright to me. After looking at pictures and have Rik make some magic photoshops I realized the only way to make it ok again was to cut the window out and move it. Lowerd it slightly more than an inch and leaned it down about another 3/8 ” . Now I think it have that long heavy tail dragging look I was after.
    DonĀ“t mind the bubble look of the glass, it will be replaced by a new flatter one.

    Quentin Hall

    Looks great mate. Know your game though hehe. I keep looking for things to redo too. Too much fun that you never want to end.


    Looks great mate. Know your game though hehe. I keep looking for things to redo too. Too much fun that you never want to end.

    HeHe. Feels like IĀ“ve been there before. Bothers me like hell that I didnĀ“t noticed it earlier and when i did I couldnĀ“t let it go. The owners was pleased and happy about it but after some discusion and showing them what I was after they agreed.and here we are.And IĀ“m too damn stubborn to quit before IĀ“m satisfied

    Quentin Hall

    I’ve learned too that you only have to please the 1% who get it and understand. . .and yourself. ( I think we had a similar discussion when I did my roof three times. ). even when you have to redo something again and again till you are happy . . . Until, of course, your client (who doesn’t get it) snaps and sends you and a forty foot container back to Brisbane cos he’s sick of damn perfectionists.
    Heck sorry for that little relapse. My therapy was going so well for me too.

    Bert Gustafsson

    I liked the previous version and I thought it resembled the style of the Jerry Quesnel Mercury quite a bit even though not as heavily chopped. However, the updated version looks super nice too.

    Rik Hoving

    I really like the way the lower edge of the rear window is now closer to lower line of the side windows. That, I thing really improves the lines and flow of these Mercury’s.
    I am really looking forward to see the door frames and B-pillars go back into the car and see the full flow of it all.

    Have fun.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Bert. The pics IĀ“ve taken inside doesnĀ“t show it properly.These outside pics shows what was bothering me. Think the back of the roof had too much of radius just above the window and the window standing up a little too much. By moving it down a bit and lean it a little bit more down I moved the curvatur further up on the roof and have the transition from roof to window a little smoother in my eyes and it meets the trunk/catwalk area in a better angle I think.IĀ“m glad you liked the first one but I think the new version have a better flow to it without making it too much fastbacklook.

    This is before

    And after

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