Mark Skipper, @royalshifter is in the progress of recreating the Iconic Wes Collins / Al Marx 1934 Ford Roadster with DuVall windshield and padded top.
I’m so happy Mark decided to recreate, or at least very close to it, this Historic Custom. I have always loved this cars, and I always wondered why nobody had cloned it. This ’34 Ford Roadster looks so amazing as an early Custom with its long GM headlights, Sleak looking windshield and matching Padded Top, skirts Lincoln Bumpers and the right stance. This one will be EPIC. David Martinez is scheduled to do the period perfect padded top on the car.
I will be sharing any progress made on the car shared by Mark… Stay tuned.

Josh Carrillo is going to create the fender skirts for the Ford.

Enjoy the beauty of Customizing