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EARLY CUSTOMS Pre 1950 build Customs

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  • #73712
    Rik Hoving

    This morning I came across a neat old picture shared by Carrillo Customs and wanted to post it here on the CCC when I realised that I never created a thread just for the Custom Cars I like the best… the Early Custom Cars, Custom Cars created in the 1930’s and 1940’s. So Far I had always shared photos of those in the Random Custom Car Thread… but then they get buried and they become hard to find. So, here it is.. .the new Early Custom Cars Thread. I will be posting more stuff later, please share the pics you have, or have found that you feel below here.


    From Carrillo Customs…
    “Neat old Southern California custom my neighbor Dan shared with me today. Pic is from a clients old family picture book. Too cool not to share.”


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Thanks Rik. My favorite era also.


    Clearly a missing thread and what a custom car to kick it off with , -36 Ford with all the trimmings , did they have any information about the car ?

    So here are some early custom car beauty’s …

    socal plating 36 ford

    36 ford 5w Riks favorite

    George Barris 41 Buick

    Rik Hoving

    There was sadly no info on the ’36 Ford (first pic in the thread)

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    A few early Customs I pulled from eBay some time ago. No info on the cars.


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing



    This picture is taken from the Rodderā€˜s Journal 40 (sorry for the poor cell phone picture). I really like the convertible sedan on the left, in the text it says it seems to be a 35/36 Ford with 37 Ford front sheetmetal. And of course i like the other cars in that picture too!

    Rik Hoving

    Floyd Truner shared this great photo at the Canadian Hot Rod History Facebook page some time ago.
    It shows Mal Preston ’41 Ford custom convertible from the Victoria area photographed in the early ’50’s, but it was build in the 1940’s.

    Mal Preston '41 Ford custom convertible

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Two saved from ebay auctions many years ago.




    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    This one was photographed from a Rodder’s Journal fold out page, hence the distortion on the quarter panel.


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Hereā€˜s a 40 Ford from the Rodderā€˜s Journal ā€žScrapbookā€œ, the photo is taken in 1950:


    Rik Hoving

    I always liked that ’40, or ’39 Ford Sedan with the fade away fenders. Still hope a photo will surface one day with the hood and skirts on.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Shared by Tom Miraglia…

    After my uncle Frank Miraglia was discharged from the US Army in 1945, he was cruising the streets of Oakland California in this badass 1939 Ford convertible sedan. It had a Carson Top, DeSoto bumpers, and of course a flat head. This car was gone before I was born, much to my dismay. Certainly the one car that I wish was still in the family!


    1939 Ford four door-Tom Miraglia-051939 Ford four door-Tom Miraglia-041939 Ford four door-Tom Miraglia-031939 Ford four door-Tom Miraglia-011939 Ford four door-Tom Miraglia-02

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Thatā€˜s a great picture!

    Do you have any infos about it?


    Today i have found this photo on ebay, it seems to be a 33/34 Ford, ā€¦i have seen these hood sides before, but i donā€˜t remember from wich car they came. Besides the changed hood sides, flipper hubcaps and skirts i can spot a cowl antenna. I wonder wich bumpers the Ford had?


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