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Customs in motion pictures

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  • #19114
    Quentin Hall

    Pure coincidence? That you spent the afternoon making popcorn. . .ironing your Rydell high cheerleaders uniform and googling all the lyrics. Grease is the word. . . I mean “mums”the word.

    Bert Gustafsson

    Some really good stuff in the movie Johnny Dark from 1954, it features the Bohman special, the Chuck Tatum special, the Kurtis Kraft, the Glasspar G2, the Grantham Stardust, the Irwin Lancer, the Victress and the woodwill Wildfire.

    Jeff Neppl

    Don’t get me wrong, I love rebel without a cause and the merc is great but I feel they should of put Jim Stark in a chopped merc to fit the rebel image. I think Natalie Wood would of approved.

    Jeff Neppl

    Its kind of cool to see the merc in Heart like a Wheel.

    Bert Gustafsson

    In the Movie Speed from 1936 there is a very streamlined car, the Falcon, possibly influenced by this amazing mid thirties Chrysler model.


    The Falcon.


    I have not been able to find it online but here is a trailer, would love to see it in whole.


    Quentin Hall

    Wow! Take the fin off the Chrysler model and it is one beautiful Custom.


    Here is a compressed version of the Phanthom Corsair flick , quite silly driving but what a fantastic dealership showroom .
    I think the Phantom Corsair is mother of all customs , streamline design at its best :

    Rik Hoving

    Ford Rotunda Custom Car and Hot Rod Show 1956.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Thanks Ian, very nice. Iā€™m just surprised they let the actor climb up on the roof for the fight. And of course the ā€œHigh School Confidentialā€ <iframe src=”; width=”500″ height=”375″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>


    They sure smashed up those cars in that movie. Thanks for the clip! I have never been able to find a copy of it that wasn’t super expensive. It looks like the Barris-chopped Chevy actually flipping over never made it into the actual movie??? I know the Barris book says they had trouble flipping it in that movie scene and it only happened after they rigged a cannon to shoot out from the bottom of the car, urging it to flip.

    Robert A. Radcliffe III
    King Kustoms

    Bert Gustafsson

    Saw this on FB yesterday. Ford Cougar concept from the 1963 movie Under the Yum Yum Tree.


    Rik Hoving

    Great… Thanks Bert.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Mild Mitch

    That’s Wonderful!

    Rik Hoving

    Kustom Cars in Niles CA parade.


    Very neat late 50’s video of some Joe Bailon and other Customs.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Bert Gustafsson

    A custom 1941 Cadillac in this 1945 movie.





    Bert Gustafsson

    Book of love, very nice 51 Mercury custom.



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