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  • #75088
    Larry Pointer

    That Model A is awesome!Ā  So many subtle refinements to take in, and they all work together.Ā  Thanks, Rik, for sharing.

    John allen

    Paul is a lunatic. The grill shell change almost got by me. Bravo .

    Rik Hoving

    Matthew Leland SumpterĀ  made some more progres on his Fraser.

    Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-00

    Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-03Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-02Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-01


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    More progress from Bill Schoenleber on his ’36 Ford Roadster.




    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    James D

    Matthew Leland Sumpter made some more progres on his Fraser. Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-00 Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-03Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-02Matthew Leland Sumpter-progres-01 384768246_10231515112239491_7337653864488788917_n

    This makes me happy, as it looks like a very old photoshop I did on the HAMB, years ago. A guy in Italy was building it, but I don’t know if it ever got done. It was chopped and two doored two.


    This makes me happy, as it looks like a very old photoshop I did on the HAMB, years ago. A guy in Italy was building it, but I donā€™t know if it ever got done. It was chopped and two doored two.

    Wow, really? That’s spooky, in a good way.

    Rik Hoving

    Matthew and I worked on his Fraser back in 2021. His original idea was to go with a Carson Top.Ā  Sometimes later, after I had done several proposals for a Padded top as well as a two door sedan, he decided to go with a mix of the two and change the design to the curved b-pillars.

    Matthew was originally inspired by a coachbuild car created in the Netherlands, which looks really beautiful, but had a lot of work done on the body to make it look as sleek as it does.





    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    No info on this ’39…. but really nice so far.


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    1948 Lincoln Continental Custom created at Steve’s Auto Restorations.





    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    A bit of progress on Danno Corp’s 1936 Ford Roadster.

    “Mocked up the 41 Zephyr bumper with chopped down bumperettes on my 36 Roadster with Travis at Rhode Alliance Customs yesterday. Also fitted 36 ChrisCraft guage cluster in the Packard dash.
    Really digging it !!!!”

    Danno Corp -36-Ford-Roadster-01

    Danno Corp -36-Ford-Roadster-02

    Danno Corp -36-Ford-Roadster-03

    Danno Corp -36-Ford-Roadster-04

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Bill Schoenleber is working on a 1935 Ford Sports Coupe Custom project for a while. Here are the first photos he is sharing on Facebook.

    “35 Ford with a ā€˜34 Chevy dash, homemade water fall with ā€˜34 Chevy radio head and ā€˜35 Ford banjo wheel. Just a few minor body modifications.”

    Bill Schoenleber-35-Ford-Sports-Coupe-01

    Bill Schoenleber-35-Ford-Sports-Coupe-02

    Bill Schoenleber-35-Ford-Sports-Coupe-03

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Ian Gibbons

    Haven’t been on here for a while or really working on my cars. Garage was packed full in the winter so no real room to work and then had some health issues in the spring that put me out of commission for a few months.Ā  Some really cool projects being built all over the world. Rik have you heard anything from Paul Bragg lately?

    Rik Hoving

    Hi Ian, Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear you had some health issues.

    Sadly I have not heard from or anything about Paul Bragg for a long time. I have no idea how he is doing. Last thing I heard was he was having health issues, but no further information.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    John Lemoine shared this photo of his Mercury 3-window project.

    John Lemoine-40 Mercury-Rear-07-2024

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    From Bill Schoenleber on his 1935 Ford.

    “Just had to make these LZ style wind wings. What a classy add!”

    Bill Schoenleber-35-Ford-Sports-Coupe-06

    Bill Schoenleber-35-Ford-Sports-Coupe-05

    Bill Schoenleber-35-Ford-Sports-Coupe-04

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

Viewing 15 posts - 826 through 840 (of 843 total)
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