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  • #50756
    Rik Hoving

    I have been posting some Progress photos of various Custom Cars in the Random Custom Car photo post in the past.
    But lately there are are some really neat Custom Car projects in the works and shared on Facebook.
    So I figured its time to start a new thread about these great in progress projects photos that are being shared.

    Lets start with a 1940 Cadillac Coupe belonging to a friend of Tom Franzi’s that is getting chopped by Justin Gajefski in Ca. The owner is from Germany and Tom, who is currently visiting CA to oversee the work getting done on the Caddy.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Tom also took some pictures of an very interesting 1949 Mercury 4-door Justin Gajefski is working on. Tom travels from Germany to California from time to time and Justin is teaching him metalwork. For example the Buick door tops on the Mercury are his work on the drivers side…

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Matt Townsend 51 Mercury convertible he is working on at his shop.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    All of them are Great Rik.

    Like I have said in the past. There seems to be more customs being built then ever before.

    Or maybe it’s just the internet…………:)


    Ian Gibbons

    Cool thread idea Rik. I love seeing in progress shots of cars being built.

    Bert Gustafsson

    Excellent idea. Love early forties GM C-body customs and that Cadillac looks awesome. The Mercury’s are not bad either.

    Rik Hoving

    Robin McQueen’s Deora project.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Paul Garland is working on a clients 1953 Mercury.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Few more photos of the progress on the 1940 Cadillac Coupe

    From Justin Gajefski…

    “Chopped Caddy! 1940 Series 62 Cadillac were doing at JG Design & Fab. Took 4″ out of the front pillars and laid the roof down until it had the flow we’re looking for. We pushed the rear side window opening 2″ back to keep the window proportioned.”

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Jefferson Bryant is working on a Custom Lincoln and has created a really great looking windshield for it.

    “Single piece flat glass like the original with duvall-esque curves. I have a couple of months in this piece, it is the focal point of the build. I feel like the original had no character, so I took the biggest issue and made it the focal point.”

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Quentin Hall

    Nice to see a few really exciting builds underway. The Caddy looks great. Ā  I’d love to know how heavy that brass screen frame on the Lincoln is.

    Kyle Connole

    That Cadillac is looking great.

    Rik Hoving

    Ross Galitzky is the new owner of Chris Baker’s chopped 1940 Mercury Sedan that was chopped by VooDoo Larry and friends at a car show some time ago. Ross really loved the car and has done some more work on it… Hope this one will get some paint and nice wheel covers. I really love the shape of these chopped sedans.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    From ā€ŽJustin Gajefskiā€Ž

    A few updates on our 40 Caddy. Wasn’t pleased w our 2 piece sail panel previously built so scrapped it and went back at her in 1 piece. It’s all in the template and knowing how to read that. Sail panels are now shaped and tacked in. Banged out the wing windows last week also.

    Justin Gajefskiā€Ž-40-Caddy-chop-04

    Justin Gajefskiā€Ž-40-Caddy-chop-05

    Justin Gajefskiā€Ž-40-Caddy-chop-06

    Justin Gajefskiā€Ž-40-Caddy-chop-07

    Justin Gajefskiā€Ž-40-Caddy-chop-08

    Justin Gajefskiā€Ž-40-Caddy-chop-09

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Ross Galitzky made some more progress on his chopped ’40 Mercury Sedan.


    Paul Fry’s Sledge Customs chopped ’40 Merc Coupe in primer.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

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