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Austin Summerset Recreating JamesD Artwork

Home Forums CCC Forum Austin Summerset Recreating JamesD Artwork

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  • #60750
    Rik Hoving

    Some time ago James D did a really wonderful Chopped Hard Topped Austin Summerset Photoshopped image.

    Scarlett Devey owns a Austin Summerset, and really like the artwork and decided at one point here Austin would be the perfect candidate to bring James D’s artwork to life.

    I have been following this project on facebook and Instagram for a while, and it now has gotten to a point that it needs to be shared here on the Custom Car Chronicle as well.

    I know the European “small” cars done as traditional Custom might not be every CCC-Members cup of thee… But I love them…

    Austin Summerset-02

    Austin Summerset-03

    Austin Summerset-01

    Austin Summerset-00Scarlett Devey with the stock Austin Summerset.








    Austin Summerset-09


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Rik Hoving

    Metal magic by Tony Devey


    Austin Summerset-04

    Austin Summerset-05

    Austin Summerset-06

    Austin Summerset-07

    Austin Summerset-08



    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    James D

    Ah man! How talented is this crew?!


    Terrific concept and amazing workmanship! Ā Traditional style customization works on the little cars too! Ā I love it!



    Jus' creepin' along..


    I have to admit , i’ve been sceptical about traditional customs on small early euro cars but I been proven wrong before and WOW , I which the best to Scarlet and crew with the build , inspired by James D:s rendering , I know how hard it is to make an old car body to sing the traditonal custom tune , this Im looking forward toĀ ! Best of luck with the build , shaving chopping smoothing lowering the old cool tin !


    Dave Tartaglia

    I dig it!


    David Wolk

    looks great.


    I have to admit , iā€™ve been sceptical about traditional customs on small early euro cars but I been proven wrong before and WOW , I which the best to Scarlet and crew with the build , inspired by James D:s rendering , I know how hard it is to make an old car body to sing the traditonal custom tune , this Im looking forward to ! Best of luck with the build , shaving chopping smoothing lowering the old cool tin ! Wolf

    ^^^^^^ What he said ^^^^^^^


    Rik Hoving

    From Tony on Facebook

    “A little update on the Somerset, all the welding and grinding completed on the rear half and now making a start on the window frames. Made some templates on alternative shapes, keeping with the ’39 Mercury style was a little disappointing I felt the proportions not quite right, so tried the slanted style as James Death’s original photoshop. Give me a bit of feedback, what are your thought’s?”

    Austin Summerset-10

    Austin Summerset-11


    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    The B pillar needs to be behind the door opening gap not in front of it. As is the door window looks like it will be too short and chubby, front to back. How you move the rear window pillar back is a problem to be solved.

    For what it’s worth, I prefer the curve.

    tony devey

    Thanks Rik for including the Somerset on the Custom Chronicles, I never started a thread myself as being a small British car I thought it a little off topic, must give credit to Jame’s De’ath as without his renderings the project would never have got kick started.

    James D

    Thanks Tony! IĀ“m just happy to have inspired someone to build something from one of our small British cars. And youĀ“re doing a killer job on it. Fortunately, Rik is very open minded about what counts as a Custom, so you can find all sorts onĀ  here.

    Rik Hoving

    From Tony Devey…

    Tony Deveyā€ŽĀ toĀ Kustoms of Great Britain (KGB)
    13 hrs Ā· Ā 
    A year has passed since the somerset entered the workshop.

    Still chugging along, doors and quarter panels are all finished and prepped for the window channels. The interior frames and struts that were cut and chopped about have been tidied up and welded.

    Moving on to the front now, not quite sure which way to go. Choices are to tidy up the stock front keeping the original grill, or to go for something new disguising the whole identity of the car.

    The somerset front end has a very distinguished vertical sort of ‘British’ style to it which would be hard to alter and get right. On Saturday I was playing around with a borrowed Packard grill and thought this had potential – what are your thoughts?”

    Tony Devey-Summerset-Dec-18-01

    Tony Devey-Summerset-Dec-18-02

    Tony Devey-Summerset-Dec-18-03

    Tony Devey-Summerset-Dec-18-04

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Dave Tartaglia

    I love what you are doing with the Austin. We had an Austin when I was seven or so and have a soft spot for them.

    While the Packard grille is a classic, I think it might be just a little too narrow for the car. I did a little digital work on the stock grille and came up with two versions. The top one is the standard grille with the lower badge removed and the bottom lengthened a bit. The second version is the same inner grille frenched in.

    Somerset Grille Mod Combo

    James D

    ThatĀ“s a lot cleaner without the thick surround. Good thinking.


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