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48 Chevy coupe chop

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    Hi folks!
    Got a 48 chevy coupe in for a roof chop a while ago and have been working on it for some time now. The owner have allready done some customizing to it and I will only do the chop job then he will finnish it by him self.He had a good vision of how he wanted the chop to look so I contacted Rik to make some photoshops. One request from the owner was that the quarter window could not be too small and Rik came out with some nice options.

    The car to start with

    HereĀ“s the version we decided for.

    I have this adjustable support for the rear of the roof .

    I cut out the upper quarter window bow from the roof along with the b-pillar.


    I’ll be watching this one. My first car was a 1947 Chevy. Bought it for $60 and drove it home. Try doing that now…..:)
    Every time i see a coupe of this vintage I get the urge to chop it.

    Larry Pointer

    Rik’s photoshop magic gives a whole new flowing profile to the roofline. Like a 41 Buick chopped. Love it. And the work is in good hands now. Keep us on board, Ken.


    Cut out 3″ in front vertical amount,lowerd the roof support 3 1/2″ then put the roof back and it looked really ok and all the measurements was taken from Riks photoshop. Instead of shortening the quarter window in bottom I split the upper bow and extended it to line up with the rear corner.Will make a new radius later on when everything is in place and aligned.

    Made a new filler piece for the door window frame.

    Filled in the gaps in the roof as well.

    Rik Hoving

    Really great to see the progress photos Kenneth.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    mark wojcik

    Great job designing that, Rik! and wonderful workmanship of executing it, Kenneth. Looking forward to the rest of the build!

    Fredrik Wallin

    Nice work!!


    Glad to see another thread by you Kenneth, you always do great work! On that note, looks awesome so far.


    "The devils in the details"


    Very nice! Kindly post a photo when it’s done. šŸ™‚


    Thanks for all the kind words folks.Time to clean up around the rear window. I moved it forward 2 3/4″ and tilted it forward to where it looked right. The roof reached down over the window and the curve wasnĀ“t all perfect. Was prepaired to make new roof panel and sail panels to make it ok again. Cut out a bit of the roof and the sailpanels and moved them around a bit and to my surprise they fit a lot better than I expected.

    The roof panel I moved forward to where it lined up with the window frame and cut it of in front where it meets the roof.The sailpanels I moved a bit to the side and they fit really great too. All I had to do was to make a filler piece between the roof panel and sailpanels.

    A view of the new roof line.


    Looks great Kenneth. Beautiful workmanship as always.
    I like the larger rear quarter window as well. Sometimes on a chop they just look too small to my eyes.


    Great work Kenneth!


    "The devils in the details"


    Looks great Kenneth. Beautiful workmanship as always.
    I like the larger rear quarter window as well. Sometimes on a chop they just look too small to my eyes.

    Thanks Torchie. I agree with you about the quarter window.

    Great work Kenneth!


    Thanks Chris.

    Now itĀ“s time for the cat walk.


    beautiful work again Kenneth..this chop shows that more is not better..this is perfect height windows for the high Crown and thick roof. amazing how much longer the car looks
    whats with the pipe…a former mexican bomb!?

    Eric H

    Amazing work!!!

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