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1942 Ford project

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  • #75357

    Sorry, this was a double post!


    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by Rik Hoving.
    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by Michu.

    Yesterday i have finished modifying the grill (just some fine tuning work left), see some before, in between and after pictures below. The headlight buckets are now mounted from the back and the rings are tacked in place, some cuts in the fender where neccessary to get the rings in the right position/angle. Also i lowered the splash pan to get the grill a bit lower.

    IMG_0994IMG_0996Here a picture with the stock 42 grill (the fog lights idea is long gone) and one with the Cadillac grill nearly finished. What a difference!


    Rik Hoving

    It looks fantastic Michu.

    Sorry your post was not working the first time. I had forgotten I had updated the website, and needed to add the special html to make sure new comments would be added to the “To be approved box”. It should be all back to normal now.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Mild Mitch

    What a wonderful look! Very impressive Michu. Do you still need a Sombrero cap?



    Thanks Rik! Also for fixing the post, i just deleted the double post.

    And thanks Mitch! Hubcapwise i will go with the ripple discs, but some time ago, if i remember right, you said you maybe have an spare 41 Buick fender skirt spear? I have a drivers side one and would love to make a set!

    Mild Mitch

    It will be sometime next week before I will be back in my shop. I will look to see what I have. I’ll let you know.

    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by Mild Mitch.

    Thanks Mitch!

    Mild Mitch

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Michu</p>
    Here are front and back side of the only  intact spear/ trim I think I have.

    I’ve boxed and the weight is 6 kilo so you might be able to figure shipping cost. Let me know what it’s worth to you. You nake your price…


    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by Mild Mitch.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by Mild Mitch.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by Mild Mitch.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by Mild Mitch.
    John allen

    This thread should be called “How to build a mild custom”. Bravo.


    Thanks John, i appreciate that highly! And thanks Mitch for finding and boxing the spear, we definitely have to make a deal with it! Would it be ok for you to wait with it till next month? Right now i‘m on vacation in the US and this wrecked my bank account badly! But of course it‘s a great journey, yesterday we‘ve been at „Hidden Valley Auto Parts“ in Arizona, i just wanted to have a look and didn‘t expect to find any Custom parts. But when i was digging in a big hubcap stash between and under some vehicles and trailers i spotted something familiar buried under a lot of stuff. I pulled it out and i had a flipper hubcap in my hands! The flipper bar is missing but of course i had to take it!


    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Michu.

    What are the odds to find one of those gems in a junkyard , great score 🙂 !!

    Mild Mitch

    That’s so cool! Congratulations Michu!

    I’ll hold it, it’s yours if you want it. Like I said just tell me what it’s worth to you.



    Some small updates, right now i play with bondo to get the final shape for the frenched headlights and the new grill opening. Of course i know that‘s not the most elegant way, but the car has a lot of filler on it so i‘m fine with some bondo.

    Also the bent axle is out, still with the wishbones on, i had no chance to get out the perches. Luckily i found a blacksmith not far from me, i brought him the axle/wishbone assembly and he will try to get the perches out.

    So hopefully soon i can put the „new“ axle back in and bleed the new brake.

    Then when the grill installing is done i have to find out what the reason for the unsteady ticking noise in the engine is. Tic, tictic, tic, tictictic, tic… It appeared the last time i started the engine, after about 10 seconds running. Sounds „valvy“, hopefully nothing major.

    Mild Mitch

    Looks like great progress Michu!


    Thanks Mitch😀

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