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36 Ford bubble skirts

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    I´ve been asked many times about fender skirts for 36 Ford fenders. The ones for 38-40 fenders bairly cover the wheel opening as you know and needs to be extended about an inch on the height. Thought I would make one to see what it takes in time. Here´s the “prototype”. It meassures 19 3/4″ high and 40″ long. All hand made.


    Beautiful Kenneth.
    How long did it take to make it. If I may be so bold as to ask.
    If I was doing it I would still be staring at my pattern.


    Torchie! I have about 6 to 7 hours in it but it´s the first one so I think I can come down a bit doing others. Just realized yesterday evening that there´s someone making them allready and selling them on ebay for 750 dollars.That´s about the same price I need to sell them for so if there´s anyone in this side of the world who´s interested in a pair just give me a note.


    Im just seeing this now. Great work Kenneth, $750 seems like a fair price for a set of hand made skirts.


    "The devils in the details"


    Here´s one test fitted on my car.

    Rik Hoving

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Bert Gustafsson

    Looks good Kenneth!

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