Here´s my contribution to this new hot rod forum. Just before christmas I got an offer to buy this 33 wich I´ve been after for a while and finaly the owner decided to sell. Sold my model-A to get the funds for it. Story tells it has beensitting in a barn in Oregon from 1949 till 2010 when it was found and bought by a Swede and brought over here. The guy who put it in the barn covered the whole car in gun grease to ceep it from rusting. Have a nice patina all over it and was hot rodded a bit before hibernation. 59 AB , dropped front axel and juice brakes. As plans are currently it will remain a traditional hot rod look with a chop and I have a 50 Merc engine that will get hopped up and put in it but I have also looked over for a custom look so who knows ?????