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1939 Coupe Sedan (Sloper) custom

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  • #20235

    Thanks Rik, that made my day, very funny.

    Still working away on the c-notch area, a little nearly every day.

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    Eric H

    I am madly in love with this beauty.

    Quentin Hall

    Totally awesome Desoto. Fully sick.


    Just checking in. Back from a couple + weeks away in Sydney and trying to get motivated to finish the chassis.

    Quentin Hall

    Motivational inspiration.

    AFL Three Quarter Time Speech/Blasting


    I suppose I should post something…not that my workrate is very fast!

    As you may or may not know, my sloper project is taking a century, mostly because of lack of funds, but I try to make some progress. After starting with a bare shell and bare frame, the rest is coming together from junk.

    Part if that junk is a front suspension much like an MII with a front r&p, a local GM product. In stock form it is a complete cradle affair and bolts in with two vertical bolts above the spring pockets and one horizontal one behind the rear of the lower A arm. The sway bar is also mounted at that point. I decided to lop off all the factory mounts and weld it in with the frame rails well set into the crossmember, while retaining the factory cradle so that everything would be as it should be.

    That said I have attempted to give it a little old time feel, even though it won’t really be seen. What say ye?

    This past week I’ve been finishing up the centre section. Side mounts for the tranny cross member done, now to finish up with the actual cross part.

    Next driveline goes in and plumbing starts.


    Very nice Tony. Looks like factory made parts.I really like small stuff like that.

    Rik Hoving

    That looks really amazing Tony. I do really like the look of that The attention to make it look like it came that way from the factory.

    Beautiful work.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Keith Daleen

    That looks fantastic. Love the factory rivet look.

    Quentin Hall

    Hey Tony, if I drop my chassis off tomorrow can you have it notched and ready n painted by the weekend? Now that I’m back maybe we need to set aside a day every second week purely to each others stuff. We need to be on the road.


    It’s been a long time…but I said I was slow! I have been fighting motivation issues but have done some work so I thought I’d better share.

    I’m using a Toyota pickup diff, which is perfect for an A-bone or Deuce, but a little narrow for later 30’s cars. RatherĀ  than spend money I don’t have on another diff, I was able to gain inner fender clearance by reversing the 15″ wheels I’ll be using.

    Then I mucked around with the front suspension, which is even less original, but it is what it is…

    Time to attack this body again. Mostly fixing shit unfortunately. First off was making a new rear floor to go over the C-notch. (I’ll have to take a pic of that) Then I thought I’d hang the passenger door. That’s when the problems began…again.

    As mentioned, this body is a Frankenstein that someone had done ‘work’ on before. The body is 39, and has had a cut and shut of the cowl (through the A pillars) with a 38 deluxe cowl etc. added on. The doors I got with it are 40 Deluxe. Would it all fit together? Mmm, with top taken off the door, kinda but not really, so more surgery. Now I’m no genius metal man, so I make it up as I go along…first probably via the cowl cut and shut, things were off at the front so I had to do some remedial work there:

    Looks better, it’s strong internally and the door works now, although it needs some gapping attention at the front.

    Time for some fun, latches

    I’ve got some beefy bear-claws and Lincoln buttons, and they both have to clear the glass channel inside,Ā so after some mocking and measuring, I committed to drilling and cutting:


    But before I can fit the striker pin, I have to make this mangled mess:

    Look more like this (driver side):

    to be continued…




    I had never like this body style until I just saw that photoshopped version. This car is going to be great! Also, really great attention to detail with the riveted frame, I’m looking forward to seeing this car cruising around!


    Thanks Grant.

    (These pictures are scary big!)

    Quentin Hall

    I was worried that you had died in 2016 along with all the other celebrities Tony.

    Rik Hoving

    Yeah.. progress on the Sloper…
    Thanks Tony.. and I hope you will have much fun with it in 2017.
    Looking forward to see you getting closer to the more cosmetic stuff on this one.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

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