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1939 Coupe Sedan (Sloper) custom

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  • #18191

    After nearly six years of very little work I bit the bullet yesterday and did something with the sloper project. I took the front sheet metal etc. off, took the body off and put the chassis in a work area. Next I’ll strip that and finish it properly. I don’t know if you guys are into chassis work, but that’s what it will be for a while.
    …And this will be a slow thread, I’m not Quentin.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Tony.
    Quentin Hall

    Hey Tony, you know I work for pizza and beer and Vietnamese frogs legs now. . . We are in the elite Brisbane 39 custom club so we can have working bees when I’m in town. See you in a few weeks.. Let’s aim to be cruising this time next year. Q

    Rik Hoving

    That is fantastic news Tony.

    Looking so much forward to see progress on your 39 Slooper.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Those aussie sedanbodys has great lines i think…

    Stephen Gotz

    Slopers are so cool so will enjoy this one, what’s been done so far and what’s the overall plans?


    This morning: frame/jig setup to finish the frame properly and do the c notch at the back. As I type this I am having a beer at the end of the day. Still more to do on the jig but have not taken any more pic since this morning.


    Stephen, here is a LINK to Rik’s Archive site with pics of work when I left off about 6 years ago, before I moved state etc. etc.

    Rik Hoving

    Great to see more progress on this one Tony… But do you really think that cardboard and tape will be strong enough for the C-ing job?

    I just cannot get enough of that rear 3/4 photo you took… That roof line is just absolutely perfect.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

    Quentin Hall

    Looking good Tony. Race you to the finish!
    I will have some free time over the Jan break. . . When I say “free time” I mean you supply bottomless coffee and morning tea and lunch and we can talk. Still trying to work out how you will change tires without dropping diff off axle. See I’m a bloody “newbie”.
    I reckon my spats would look better on yours than mine.


    Wether if itĀ“s slow or not IĀ“m looking forward to follow this. The flow ( or slop ) of the roof is perfect.This will be an amazing car. And for the frame jobs I like them just as much as the body works and iĀ“m hoping for updates soon.


    Wether if itĀ“s slow or not IĀ“m looking forward to follow this. The flow ( or slop ) of the roof is perfect.This will be an amazing car. And for the frame jobs I like them just as much as the body works and iĀ“m hoping for updates soon.


    Can’t wait to see more progress.



    Been slowly working on the frame, doing the c-notch.

    Rik Hoving

    Looks great Tony

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing


    Thanks Rik. I think if I can work on 80 mm of travel it should be good. You can just see the inboard mounts for the parallel leaf suspension, shackles will point upwards. They are only tacked in position for now.

    Rik Hoving

    The photoshopped photo of your car was posted on the dreadful Kustom Khronicles Facebook page by somebody who just posts photos but does not really have a clue…
    Made me sad how many people do not really have a clue these days… At the same time its funny to read some of the responses from these so called experts sometimes. And then its great so see that at least some of them have it right.

    Enjoy the beauty of Customizing

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