Custom Car Chronicle

Forum Rules

Forum Rules

By signing in at CC-Chronicle every member agrees to the following rules

  • Stay on topic
    CC-Chronicle is about custom cars, model cars, hot rods, art etc. This is NOT the place to talk about religion and politics.
  • CC-Chronicle is a safe place for everybody
    We want everybody to roam around freely. Make sure you’re not posting something you wouldn’t want your kid/spouse/neighbour/mother/father to see. All  CC-Chronicle Forum Rules

Threads/Posts must be civil and tasteful. Threads/posts considered to be offensive to other members, or considered as bad taste may be edited/deleted by one of the forum moderators. This includes signatures and avatars.
  • No 

Abusive Comments
    Members may not use text/images or pictures to abuse any other member or group on (or of) the forum. If a member does abuse another member they will be issued a warning, along with details of why they have been warned. If a member repeats the offence, this will result in a permanent ban. If however you feel that you have been unfairly treated, then contact a member of the CC-Chronicle team, who will re-view the situation.

No Discrimination
    Discrimination is not tolerated on this forum. Discrimination can take the form of using specific words or phrases or can be in the form of a general attitude towards an individual or group of people. Making a statement that is biased against a person or a group is unacceptable. Discrimination can be on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation or political persuasion.
  • Promotion of other sites
    Members are welcome to promote their own Web site on CC-Chronicle as long as it is relevant. Spamming and promoting of-topic Web sites is not allowed. If a member is found to promote/spam non related end off topic sites they will be warned/banned. All posts will be removed. Mentioning of-topic websites that are for the benefit of others (good causes, organic food, great inventions, art exhibitions, etc etc) is fine. When in doubt, simply ask us.
  • Age Range
    CC-Chronicle is open to all ages, therefore posts need to be respectful. Images or URL of a pornographic nature are not welcome and will be removed. Bad Language just for the sake of foul mouthing needs to be kept to a minimum. If a post is found to contain this, then moderators have the ability to edit/delete the post.
  • User accounts
    If a member is found to have multiple accounts, and there is no good explanation, then one or all of these accounts may be removed or suspended.
  • Complaints
    If a member has a complaint against another member/moderator, or a post/thread, please contact CC-Chronicle via e-mail at Complaints made public on the forum will be removed. Failure to do so in the correct manner may result in you receiving a warning.
    CC-Chronicle will do its best to attempt to keep all messages on this forum respectful and within the forum rules, but it is impossible for us to review every message. All messages expressed by the poster are views of the author, and CC-Chronicle will not be held responsible for the content of any message.

The owners of CC-Chronicle reserve the right to edit, delete, move or close any thread for any reason. Every member that violates one or more of the rules will receive a warning first. In serious cases, a warning will not be appropriate and the account will be suspended for a period of time.
  • Signatures/Avatars
    Members are given the ability to create their own signature in the Member – Edit section. Signature length is limited to 512 Characters of text at default font size. Avatars
 images can be uploaded in the jpg, gif or png format in the Member – Profile – Change Avatar section. 
Animated Images Less than 512 KB. If you are logging in using the Social Media option, your avatar from the Social Media will be loaded automatically and can not be changed unless you change it in your Social Media.
  • Posting photos in the CCC-Forum
    You can upload up to 10 photo’s per post, but only up to 512 KB per photo, or you can attache them using the “IMG” button in the new topic or  post reply field.


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