Unidentified Valley Custom Shop Coupe
The Valley Custom Shop were known for their very stylish custom cars. From wild to mild, this shop created some amazing, and well designed custom cars. This unidentified 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan Coupe, definitely fits the mildly customized category. Even only moderately modified, the shop was able to make it look outstanding.
Both photos were taken in front of the Valley Custom Shop located at 1871 Victory Place, Burbank California. But who is the guy in the back seat?
The Valley Custom Shop posted these two photos some time ago on Facebook. The photos are from the Valley Custom Shop Collection, and came with no info what so ever. So, unfortunately we are unable to provide you with an owners name, or any information when, and how it was built. All we know is what we can see in the photos.
One of the first things we noticed, are the yellow license plates. This type of yellow plates indicates the photos were taken ranged from 1947 till 1950. The Valley Custom Shop was opened in 1948.
The car appears to have the stock grille removed, and the opening was filled with a horizontal tubular grille. Quite unique since most tubular grilles were made in the later part of the 1950’s. The hood emblems, and chrome strip were removed, and the holes filled. It looks like the hood was peaked in the process as well. The side trim on the hood was shortened to visually put a little more balance to the rear of the car. A set of Spotlights was installed in the A-pillars. The rear fenders rubber rock shields were replaced with more more attractive and classy aftermarket stainless units. A set of long 1941 Ford/Mercury fender skirts was used to give the car more visual length. The Stock taillights were moved down, halfway the splash pan and the fender trim. Original the taillights are located slightly above the fender trim. The taillight pods were molded to the rear fenders for an extra smooth look. The trunk handle, and emblem was shaved of, and the holes filled for an ultimate clean rear end of the car. A 1942-48 Ford Accessory Bumper mounted grille guard, was used at the back to protect the license plate. The window trim around the side windows was left in place, and so are the door handles (in the side trim) and door locks.
The whole car was lowered a little, not too much, causing the car to be perfectly balanced in proportions. The perfect size white wall tires were added, and a set of smooth hubcaps with a single ripple on the outside. This type of hubcaps can be almost considered a Valley Custom Shop Trademark. The shop used this hubcap on a lot of their custom cars. It looks like the car’s engine was not hopped up, at least it still has only a single exhaust.
This mild, but wonderfully styled custom 1946 Ford, is quite something. We would love to find out a bit more about it. Who owned the car, and when exactly it was built, and is it still around today? So if you recognize this early Valley Custom Shop custom Ford please let us know.
Valley Custom Shop on Facebook