Introduction to the Watson Personal Photo Collection
Custom Car Chronicle and The Custom Car Photo Archive are proud to house the Larry Watson Personal Photo Collection. Here at CC- Chronicle we will share the stories behind al these amazing photo’s.
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The Story Behind the Collection
Roger O’Dell and Larry Watson were in the middle of documenting this amazing photo collection when Larry was diagnosed with cancer. Larry still wanted to continue the project where scans of all these photos would be made, shown on Roger’s computer and then a video was planned to be made from Larry lacking about the car shown in the photo. Larry remembered most of the names of the thousands of cars he had painted. And he even remembered most of the paint codes he had used for specific paint jobs. But unfortunately Larry’s illness progressed faster than everybody had thought it would. And although Roger did scan a lot of the photo’s, Larry was not able to help him identify the cars in the photos on video. Larry passed away July 20, 2010.
Before his death Larry had asked Roger O’Dell to make sure his photo collection would be shared with the people who would really enjoy them. In the past the Custom Car Photo Archive had create a huge section on Larry’s cars on their website as well as created several magazine articles about Larry. So Larry decided the Custom Car Photo Archive would be the ideal place for his amazing photo collection to be shared. Over the last two and a half years the Custom Car Photo archive has been sharing a lot of really amazing photos and stories behind the photos and the cars on their website as well as on Facebook and some message boards. This sharing has lead to the identification of quite a few of the cars in the photos.