Hank Griffith’s 1942 Ford Not an all Ayala Custom
Hank Griffith 1942 Ford grazed the cover of the Trend book #101 Custom Cars booklet. The first of an annual that would last till 1962. The car also had a full page write up in the October issue of Motor Trend magazine. And in there the car was listed as an Ayala Custom. With all work done by the Ayala’s.
But recently the Custom Car Chronicle was contacted by Hank’s Wife Janet who told that this information was not entirely accurate.It was in fact Ray Saconi, a very close friend of Hank Griffith who chopped the top on Hanks 1942 Ford. The rest of the work was done by the Ayala’s, but not the chop as it has alway been listed. Hank’s wife also shared two never before published photos of Hank’s custom, one can be seen here.
Custom Car Chronicle will soon have an article devoted to the full story about the 1942 ford, as told by Hank Griffith and his wife Janet.
Stay tuned.
After, so many years it takes someone like Hank’s wife to set the record straight. Many cars had work done at more then one shop or by unknown persons, so a lot of cars end up being credited to the biggest name who did some work on the car.