1932 Ford Hot Rods with a Custom Feel
Yes, it is true the 1932 Ford are primarily seen as Hot Rods, or Street Rods (and of course as a restored stocker, but we’ll leave those for the moment). Especially back in the late 1930’s and 1940’s there where quite a few 1932 Fords that had that ‘certain custom car feel’ to them
We’re not sure if we’ll would ever feel comfortable calling a 1932 Ford a custom car. But don’t these cars look awesome when customized? They get a very classy, and stylish look, when it’s done right. Usually they have a level stance with Custom bumpers, hubcaps, chopped tops and in case of convertibles, possibly a padded top.
At the 2010 GNRS Customs Then & Now show we had the Harry Westergard 1932 Ford with Cadillac windshield molded in and Padded top. It was hard to convince the rest of the crew to get this car into the show. All the other’s involved felt that the 32 Fords could only be a Hot or Street Rod. But after showing them some of the photos in this post and some more talking the general feel about the 32 Ford as a very early sample of customizing was accepted into the show.
Personally we have always liked this customized look of the 1932 Fords, but why don’t we see more 1932 Fords done in this stylish customizing style?
Here are some great samples of customized 1932 Fords. Probably there are plenty more, but our hot rod photo archive is not stocked as well as the custom car archive is. So if you have more to ad to this… please do!
Anybody have more photos of the 1932 Fords with a Custom feel? Let us know!