CKOS LeadParking 2014
Custom car enthusiast Ulf “Wolf” Christianson visited the 2014 LeadParking show organized by the CKOS in Skultuna, Sweden Here are some of the photos he took.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his annual outdoor parking lot show always sees some of Scandinavia’s best Customs. In 2014 several new customs, some older updated customs and many great better known Customs Cars showed up for this great event. It is this event that the Custom Kemps Of Sweden (CKOS) uses to pick their Annual best Custom Car The Lead Sled of the year award. This years winner was Johan Löfgren with his new on the scene 1949 Buick Sedanette. Thank you CKOS for organizing this great event.
Lets take a looks at some of the photos Wolf took of this years event.
The amazing award for Lead Sled of the year from CKOS.
Johan Löfgren in front of his Buick winning this years top award.
Oskar Ankarudd was the artist for this years Lead Parking flyer/poster.
Johan Löfgren’s chopped 1949 Buick Sedanette with some amazing detail on the flipped ’56 Packard taillights and custom shaped splash-pan. We have seen these taillights used like this on a few other customs, but never was the instalment done so well as on Johan’s Buick.
Another photo of Johan Löfgren 1949 Buick shows the front 3/4 of this Lead Sled of the Year Award winning custom.
Jonathan de Besche’s 1948 Chevy coupe with amazing chop and perfect stance. Jonathan uses an 1946 Chevy grille on his ’48 model. The lines of the older grille are just nicer, and fit the looks Jonathan was aiming for better. Gloss paint is planned… but not for a while.
Rear 3/4 view of Jonathan de Besche’s Chevy. I really love that chopped top echoing the shape of the trunk and rear fenders.
Janne Lundell from Finland brought his Timo Hersti built 1941 Lincoln Zephyr in its new wonderful brown paint to the CKOS LeadParking. This well styled Custom used to be a really nice dark metallic green, but was recently updated with an impressive deep dark brown.
Side view of Janne Lundell’s 1941 Lincoln Zephyr shows the nice profile on the chopped top and the great stance.
Ronnie Lindblom’s 1940 Mercury Coupe turned Convertible with a perfect stance and period details.
Fredrik’s 1936 Ford convertible with an amazing speed-boat stance, chopped windshield ’40 taillights.
Front 3/4 of Fredrik’s 1936 Ford convertible shows ’37 Ford headlights molded into the ’36 Ford front fenders.
There is a lot of major Custom Restyling going on on this 1954 Ford seen at the 2014 CKOS LeadParking show. The car was chopped and sectioned amongst many other body changes. Yet, still it remains relatively mild in appearance. The project was originally started by Per Webb, who designed and planned the car. When the unfinished project was sold the new owner, Tore Persson, he fortunately went the same direction with the car as Per originally planned… with a few exceptions.
Front view of the chopped and sectioned 1954 Ford. The grille and taillights used of the new owner differe a bit from Per’s original vission. The overdone pin-striping that is now on the car, is something Per also never planned to do. It does take away from the beautiful lines of this amazing Custom Car.
Very nicely done mild Custom ’51 Chevy Fleetline owned by Per Dolk. Mild lowering and mild de-chroming. Custom hubcaps on white wall tires and gold/orange wheels and a set of very stylish scallops is all you need to create an amazing ride.
You do not see many chopped 1949 Buick Sedanette’s, makes sense since they are not all that easy to chop. But there were TWO of them at the CKOS 2014 LeadParking show. Johan’s maroon version shown above and here is the other one. Darren Chapman super black very well proportioned Buick.
Janne Bodin’s 1955 Ford F-100 shows an wonderful late 1950’s restyling. The perfect chop, ’56 Ford grille, DeSoto bumpers, white wall tires with the perfect rake and an amazing gold and black scalloped paint job. Notice the louvered rear window!
And here is the photographer of most of the photos in this article. Ulf “Wolf” Christiansson with his in progress 1951 Mercury.
We only had space for a small selection of photos Wolf took. So if you want to see more photos from the 2014 CKOS LeadParking show. Then check out Ulf “Wolf” Christiansson’s Fotki site.
That trophy is even more fantastic if you consider it was made from stainless sheet scrap pieces welded and grinded into the wonderful shape of an early custom. The artist is the multi talented Allan Bergman.